Rivers of Yucatán

by Philip Herter 

Fiction: 228 Pages
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789781941962
Pub Date: February, 2015
Price: $19.95
Dimensions: 5" × 8".

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Rivers of Yucatán casts a new red tinge on the noir genre. You can’t have either too much noir or too much rouge when your territory is D.H. Lawrence’s in the later now. Herter took the Lawrence challenge and wrote a hell of a river.
Andrei Codrescu, author of Whatever Gets You Through the Night: a Story of Sheherezade
and the Arabian Entertainments 

In this witty, suspenseful and thoroughly engaging novel, Philip Herter writes with brio and deftness about American relations with Central America, parents’ relations with their children and everyone’s relations with the past. Rivers of Yucatán is a splendid novel from a writer whose voice is completely and unabashedly his own.
—Margot Livesey, author of
The Flight of Gemma Hardy


This Fabulous Shadow

by Philip Herter 

Fiction: 214 Pages
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781938022692
Pub Date: November 15, 2013
Price: $18.95
Dimensions: 5" × 8".

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“A sensual, dissolute love story set among American expatriates
in 1930s Mexico City, This Fabulous Shadow evokes a lost world in which a poem or a seduction was a matter of life and death. Philip Herter conjures from the ashes Hart Crane, wunderkind poet, incurable alcoholic and ‘the St. Francis of sex’, and Peggy Baird, landscape painter, romantic renegade, and Crane’s first and only female lover. The result is poignant, tragic and unforgettable”.
David Lida, author of First Stop in the New World: Mexico City, Capital of the 21st Century.

“‘The imagination,’ Hart Crane famously wrote, ‘spans beyond despair.’ Philip Herter’s lyrical imaginings of Crane’s final days in Mexico offers a hauntingly vivid picture of one of America’s most influential poets. ‘This is not a novel nor a memoir,’ Peggy Baird, the book’s narrator tells the reader. ‘What you are hearing is the sound of laughter and screaming carried by the wind.’ It is a sound you won’t soon forget”.
Margo Hammond, co-author of Between the Covers: The Book Babes’ Guide to a Woman’s Reading Pleasures


Brianna Noll reviews This Fabulous Shadow, American Book Review, 

Inappropriate Avenue

by Philip Herter 

Fiction: 330 Pages
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 978-0578807836
Pub Date: May 27, 2022
Price: $15.99
Dimensions: 5" × 8".

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An Absolute Masterpiece
Philip Herter is one of my favorite authors. Reading this book was a delightful experience. I plan to share it with all of my bibliophilic friends.
— Chiko Sullivan